Friday 20 September 2024

3D22 and 3D2V, From Rotuma Island, OC-060 [ACTIVE]

September 20 - 30 Octuber

3D22 (Three Delta Twenty-two) and  3D2V  are the callsigns that the Rebel DX Group  will be usingduring their  upcoming  activity from Rotuma [425DXN 1741].  SuperFox keys valid from  20 September to 30 October  (https://ncdxf.org/pages/sfkey.html)  have been issued for both callsigns.  FT8 will be  prioritized  ("CW and SSB less important") and plans are to use  both FT8 SuperFox and multistream MSHV on  20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m  (same bands but different frequencies); on 160-30m only multistream MSHV will be used.  The Rebels plan  to set sail  for Rotuma  on 24 or 25 September, with the voyage taking  around 48 hours. Bookmark https://www.facebook.com/rebeldxgroup for updates. [TNX 425 DX NEWS] 

QSL  via Club Log's OQRS.

Good contact my friend  
Jackson: PY1PDF

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