Friday 26 July 2024

RSGB IOTA Contest [July 27 - 28] Regulations


Saturday 27th - Sunday 28th July 2024
1200 - 1200 UTC


Good contact my friend  
Francisco Jackson


TM51JO - Special Callsign during Olypinc Games [ACTIVE]

June 26 to August 9
It will be followed by TM51JO (to be active from 26 July to 9 August during the Olympic Games), and by TM51JP (to be active from 28 August to 8 September during the Paralympic Games). 
[TNX DxWorld]

QSL for the three special callsigns via F5JYD, direct or bureau

Good contact my friend  
Francisco Jackson

J48FT - From Tinos Island [EU-067], ACTIVE

July 26 to August.9

[EU-062] Tinos Island
Members of the Deep Blue DX Team will be active as J48FT from Tinos Island (EU-067) from 26 July to 9 August, including an entry in the IOTA Contest.  [TNX 425 NEWS]

QSL cards will  not be available, but QSOs  will be uploaded to LoTW, Club Log and eQSL.

Good contact my friend  
Francisco Jackson

7E4K - From Ketawai Island [OC-144] ACTIVE

July 25 - 29

OC-144 - Ketawai island
7E4K, is active on Ketawai Island, OC-144 from 25 to 29 July 2024, on HF and satellite, SSB, CW and FT8. More information, https://www.7e4k.com/ [TNX QRZ.COM]

QSL via Club Log, and eventually to LOTW and eQSL

Good contact my friend  
Francisco Jackson

Thursday 25 July 2024

5C25FT - Silver Jubilee special events in Morocco [ACTIVE]]

July 25 to August 5

Taking part  in the  annual  Throne Day's celebrations,  members of the  Association Royale des Radioamateurs du Maroc (ARRAM)  will be using the special prefix 5C25 from 25 July to 5 August: e.g. CN8NOA will be using 5C25NOA. The national society (CN8MC) will be running the Silver Jubilee special event station 5C25FT Throne Day is a public holiday  in Morocco  that  commemorates  the enthronement  of  the  incumbent monarch.  Since 1999, it  has been celebrated on 30 July More Informations: https://www.qrz.com/db/5C25FT   TNX 425 NEWS] 

Good contact my friend  
Francisco Jackson

Wednesday 24 July 2024


August 17 18
Indicativo Oficial  PT2CVA
Official Indicative PT2CVA
Indicativo oficail   PT2CVA

O Concurso Verde-Amarelo (CVA DX HF Contest) é uma das mais importantes atividades radio amadorísticas do Brasil, encontrando-se, na sua 65ª edição, (2024) o que implica em tradição e demonstração de proficiência ao longo de todos esses anos. O CVA DX HF Contest é sempre realizado no terceiro final de semana de agosto modo CW e quarto final de semana de agosto modo SSB.

[Início às      18 UTC de 17 de agosto de 2024 (CW);]
[TerminA às 21 UTC de 18 de agosto de 2024 (CW)]

The Green-Yellow Contest (CVA DX HF Contest) is one of the most important amateur radio activities in Brazil, being in its 65th edition (2024) which implies tradition and demonstration of proficiency over all these years. The CVA DX HF Contest is always held on the third weekend of August in CW mode and the fourth weekend of August in SSB mode.

[Start  at 18 UTC on 17 Aug 2024 (CW); 
Finish at 21 UTC on 18 Aug 2024 (CW).]

El Concurso Verde-Amarillo (Concurso CVA DX HF) es una de las actividades de radioaficionado más importantes de Brasil, ya que se encuentra en su 65ª edición (2024), lo que implica tradición y demostración de competencia a lo largo de todos estos años. El Concurso CVA DX HF siempre se lleva a cabo el tercer fin de semana de agosto en modo CW y el cuarto fin de semana de agosto en modo SSB.

Comienza a las 18 UTC del 17 de agosto de 2024 (CW);]
[Finaliza a las 21 UTC del 18 de agosto de 2024 (CW)]


PT2CVA - antenna park

YJ0CA - from Port Vila in Vanuatu [OC-035] ANNOUNCED July 30


July 30 to August 10

[OC-035] - Vanautu Island
Chris VK2YUS, will be operating again as YJ0CA from Port Vila in Vanuatu [OC-035], from 30 July to 10 August 2024. Operation will only be in SSB, 40m, 10m, between 21:00z and 10:00: 00z.

QSL cards for requested contact confirmation will be dispatched by airmail in September from Australia, with QSL details listed on QRZ.com [TNX YJ0CA]

Good contact my friend  
Francisco Jackson

SM/OV2E from Senoren Island (EU-138) ANNOUNCED

July 25 - 29

[EU-138 - Senoren Island]
OZ0JOZ2ELA OZ3ACB  and  OZ9U  will be active  as  SM/OV2E from Senoren Island (EU-138)  on  25-29 July.  They will operate CW, SSB and FT8 (maybe RTTY)  on the HF bands  and possibly  6 metres,  and will  participate  in the  IOTA Contest.  [TNX 425 NEWS]

QSL via  Club  Log's OQRS (preferred), eQSL, LoTW, or via OZ0J.

Good contact my friend  
Francisco Jackson

Tuesday 23 July 2024

TM2024P, Special Event, XXXIII Oympic Summer Games PARIS 2024 [ACTIVE]

[Until August 11]

TM2024P, Special Event, XXXIII Oympic Summer Games PARIS 2024, July 26 to 11 August, SSB, CW, FT8 [TNX QRZ]

FT8: Operator: Daniel F6CQU
SSB: Operator: Paul F4IYO, Pascal F4HYT . 
 CW: Operator: Fred F5NBX 

QSL Card  via F6CQU  Buro or Direct

Good contact my friend  
Francisco Jackson

HS72KING - Special Callsign from Thailand [ACTIVE]

Until July 29

HS72KING is the  special callsign for the  Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST) to celebrate the 72nd birthday  of His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn  (HS10A)  between 1 and 29 July.  "By endorsing and participating in this special event,  His Majesty  continues to inspire and encourage  the growth and development  of amateur radio in the country". [TNX 425 NEWS]

QSL via LoTW and Club Log's OQRS.

Good contact my friend  
Francisco Jackson

Monday 22 July 2024

RI1K - From Shuzhmuy Island [EU-147], ACTIVE]

Until July 28

Yaroslav, R1BET and Mike, R1MJ will be active as RI1K from Bol'shoy Zhuzhmuy Island (EU-147) on  20-28 July. [TNX 425 NEWS] 

QSL via R1BET,  direct or bureau. QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and Club Log.

Good contact my friend  
Francisco Jackson

TM24JOL/TM24JPO - For the Paris 2024 Olympic And Parallympic Games [ANNOUNCED]

July 26 to 8 Sepetember

Michel, F8GGZ  will be  active as  TM24JOL  between  26 July and 11 August, and as  TM24JPO  between 28 August and 8 September  for the  Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, respectively. QSL via home call.
Several other callsigns are expected to be active during the Summer
Olympics, including

TM100OG operated by Team TM3P; Direct QSL for F5PYI

TM17JO operated by Jean-Claude, F1HOM of Re Island (EU-032); QSL through the agency

TM2024JO operated by members of Rádio Clube d'Esquerdes. QSL via F5KAI.

TM24PRS operated by F4DTO and F4GFE; QSL via F4DTO

TM36JO operated by members of the Association des radioamateurs
de l'Indre; QSL via bureau or direct to F5OHM

TM37JO operated by F4ENK, F4ERS, F5CWU, F5SQM and F6FYA; QSL via
F5CWU OQRS (https://www.f5cwu.net/oqrs/)

TM40JO operated by members of the RadioPole Associatif REF-40
(F4KLM); QSL via F6DZU and LoTW

TM73JO operated by F6HQP; QSL via bureau, LoTW, QRZ Logbook

TM8JOP operado por Yves, F8LLA, um dos 45.000 voluntários que
apoiará as Olimpíadas

Good contact my friend  
Francisco Jackson

Saturday 1 June 2024

II6CIC - Celebrating [Italian Capital of Culture] [ACTIVE]

June 01 to August 29

Celebrating Pesaro Capitale Italiana della Cultura (Italian Capital of Culture) 2024, members of ARI Pesaro and ARI Fano will be active as II6CIC from 1 June to 29 August. [TNX 425 NEWS] 

QSL via  IQ6PS.

Good contact my friend  
Francisco Jackson