Monday 21 October 2024

JD1BQP - From chichijima Island [AS-031] Ogasawara Japan [ACTIVE]

October 21 to November 3

Kou, JP1IHD will be active again as JD1BQP from Chichijima (AS-031) Ogasawara  from  21 October until 3 November. including an entry in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. Outside the contest he will operate  SSB,  FT4 and FT8  with a focus on  15, 12, 10 and 6 metres.  

QSL via the  bureau to JD1BQP,  or direct to  JP1IHD;  
QSOs will be uploaded  to  LoTW and Club 

Good contact my friend  
Jackson: PY1PDF

HQ9X - From Roatan Island [NA-057] Honduras, ACTIVE

Until Octuber 29
K1XM, K2TR, KQ1F, N2WQ and W1UE  will participate  in the  CQ WW DX SSB Contest as  HQ9X  from Roatan Island (NA-057),  Honduras.  They will be there on 19-29 October,  with "some operation" also between 29 October and 15 November. [TNX 425 DX NEWS]

QSL via KQ1F

Good contact my friend  
Jackson: PY1PDF

Sunday 20 October 2024

V47FWX - From Saint Kitts Island [NA-104] ACTIVE

Until October 23

Gary, G0FWX will be active again as V47FWX from Saint Kitts Island, IOTA NA-104, 16 - 23 October 2024. He will operate on HF Bands. [DX NEWS] 


Good contact my friend  
Jackson: PY1PDF

PX0FF - From Fernando de Noronha Island, SA-003 in October [ACTIVE]

October 05 - 21

SA-003 Fernando de Noronha Island
Five experienced competitors from Germany, Austria and Brazil will operate PX0FF (Fernando de Noronha, SA-003) in October 2024, on SSB, CW and FT8 (MSHV), on all bands from 160m to 6m, including 60m . [TNX http://qrz.com/db/px0ff]

QSL via DJ4MX, Club Log OQRS
Good contact my friend  
Jackson: PY1PDF

The team on the island 

YJ0VV from Efate (OC-035) Island, Vanuatu [ACTIVE]

Octuber 16 - 29

Team YJ0VV  (namely N4VGE, K4QQG, K1NZ and K2SAV)  will  be  active from Efate (OC-035), Vanuatu  on  16-29 October.  They will operate SSB, CW and digital modes (also FT8 SuperFox) on 160-6 metres  with two high power stations  and  a choice of seven antennas,  and will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. [TNX 425 DX NEWS] 

 QSL via K4NHW  (direct or bureau);  QSOs will be uploaded to Club Log and LoTW 

Good contact my friend  
Jackson: PY1PDF

9X2AW - From Rwanda [ACTIVE]

Until October 23
Harold, DF2WO will be active again as 9X2AW from Rwanda, 9 - 23 October 2024.He will operate on 160 - 6m, CW, SSB, Digital modes and QO-100 satellite. [TNX DX NEWS]


Good contact my friend  
Jackson: PY1PDF

Friday 18 October 2024

EA5/DJ4EL - From Tabarca Island [EU-093] ACTIVE

October 17 - 25

Markus, DJ4EL  will be active as  EA5/DJ4EL  from  the  islands  of Benidorm, Escombreras and  Tabarca  (all part of IOTA group EU-093) on 17-25 October.  [TNX 425 DX NEWS] 

QSL via Club Log's OQRS  (preferred)  and  LoTW. 
Updates will be posted to https://x.com/rapanuiman.

Good contact my friend  
Jackson: PY1PDF