Tuesday, 4 February 2025

PV91L - Special callsign LABRE will celebrate its 91st anniversary [ACTIVE]

February 1 - 15

On February 2, 2025, LABRE will celebrate its 91st anniversary. To celebrate the occasion, we will once again have a special callsign on the air: PV91L. On all HF bands, from 160 to 10 meters, as well as on the 6 m and 2 m bands on VHF and 70 cm on UHF, PV91L will be operated in CW, VOICE, DIGITAL MODES and SATELLITE modes, starting on February 1st and continuing until the 15th of the same month.

PV91L will be operated by a team of experienced operators from all over Brazil in each of the modes. Starting on February 2nd, look for this callsign on the various bands and modes and on the main FM satellites currently active.

All contacts made and confirmed in the LOGs will receive the LABRE 91 YEARS Commemorative Diploma. Requests for the Diploma with QSO data must be made by email to awards@labre.org.br

The diplomas will be issued after the end of the event. [TNX LABRE]

Good contact my friend  
Jackson: PY1PDF 

Saturday, 1 February 2025

ZW5W - From Santana de Fora Island (SA-088) [ANNOUNCED Feb 21-23]

February 21 - 23

Fabio, PP5BZ, will be active as ZW5W of Santana de Fora Island (SA-088) between February 21st and 23rd. Due to the embarkation and disembarkation conditions on the island, the activity will be subject to weather conditions. It is an uninhabited island, with no anchoring infrastructure, making the operation difficult and offering greater risk. The operation will be in the 40/20/15/10 meter bands in SSB and CW.

QSL via PP5BZ, through the Bureau or direct (SASE + 1 IRC [NEW TYPE] or 3 USDs)

Fabio, PP5BZ, estará ativo como ZW5W da Ilha de Santana de Fora (SA-088) entre 21 e 23 de fevereiro. Devido às condições de embarque e desembarque na ilha, a atividade estará sujeita às condições climáticas. É uma ilha desabitada, sem infraestrutura de ancoragem, tornando a operação difícil e oferecendo maior risco. A operação será nas faixas de 40/20/15/10 metros em SSB e CW. 

QSL via PP5BZ, pelo Bureau ou direto (SASE + 1 IRC [NEW TYPE] ou 3 USDs). Adaptação ao português: [TNX Peter PY5CC - Araucaria DX Group]