Monday 16 September 2024

SX8AS - From Salamina Island [EU-075] Greece, ACTIVE

September 16 - 30

IOTA EU-075 - Salamina Island
The Salamis Radio Amateurs Group will be active as  SX8AS  on 16-30 September from Salamina Island (EU-075). 

QSL via LoTW and Club Log.

Good contact my friend  
Jackson: PY1PDF

Sunday 15 September 2024

Certificado Primavera 2024 - Spring 2024 Certificate, [ANNOUNCED SET. 15]

September 15 - 30

Radio Club La Rioja (LU1SF) will be awarding digital certificates to commemorate Spring Day in Europe. The event will be led by the main protagonists of LAS MUJERES (YL), who from different provinces of Argentina and also from foreign countries will provide valid contact information, giving the event international status. We invite everyone to participate in this Argentine and global amateur radio festival.

The certificate meets all the requirements of Resolution 3.635-E/2017, articles 4.5.4 and 4.6.4, and therefore, since Radio Club has current Legal Status and is recognized by ENACOM, it is valid for promotions in the category.

Confirm contact with as many participating stations as possible.

Start: September 15, 2024, 00:00 UTC
End: September 30, 2024, 23:59 UTC

Bands: All - Modes: All

NO TIME OR ORDER NUMBER EXCHANGES ARE MADE. TRY TO HAVE A WATCH IN SIGHT SO AS NOT TO LOSE YOUR CORRESPONDENT'S TIME. You only need to exchange the Distinctive Signal and RS(T). Remember to work your logs in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).


Bronze/Rose Certificate: 5 (five) contacts
Silver/Tulip Certificate: 10 (ten) contacts
Gold/Orchid Certificate: 15 (fifteen) contacts

Once you have reached the number of contacts required to obtain any of the certificates, you can download them by accessing our www.lu1sf.com.ar/or Platform.

The “CERTIFICATES and/or QSLs” will be generated as authorized stations upload their ADIF files. Attention: some files may be uploaded in later days, please be patient.

Complaints and/or queries may be made from October 6th, after the complete upload of the files. DO NOT SEND QUESTIONS AND/OR COMPLAINTS BEFORE THIS DATE.

The maximum time to download the CERTIFICATES and/or QSLs will be subject to the decision of this Radio Club.

Rádio Clube La Rioja (LU1SF) entregará certificados digitales conmemorativos de la Primavera de Europa. La actividad será impartida por las principales protagonistas LAS MUJERES (YL), quienes desde diferentes provincias de Argentina y también del extranjero, brindarán datos de contacto válidos; dándole al evento estatus internacional. Invitamos a todos a participar de este festival de radioaficionados argentino y mundial.

El certificado cumple con todos los requisitos de la Resolución 3.635-E/2017, artículos 4.5.4 y 4.6.4, por lo que, al tener Rádio Clube personería jurídica vigente y reconocido por el ENACOM, es válido para ascensos de categoría.

Confirmar contacto con tantas estaciones participantes como sea posible.

Inicio: 15 de septiembre de 2024, 00:00 UTC
Finaliza: 30 de septiembre de 2024, 23:59 UTC

Bandas: Todas - Modos: Todos

NO SE REALIZA CAMBIO DE HORA NI NÚMERO DE PEDIDO. INTENTE TENER UN RELOJ A LA VISTA PARA NO PERDER EL TIEMPO DE SU CORRESPONSAL. Sólo necesitas cambiar el Signo Distintivo y RS(T). Recuerde trabajar sus registros en horario UTC (Tiempo Universal Coordinado).


Certificado Bronce/Rosa: 5 (cinco) contactos
Certificado Plata/Tulipán: 10 (diez) contactos
Certificado Oro/Orquídea: 15 (quince) contactos

Una vez alcanzado el número de contactos para obtener cualquiera de los certificados, podrá descargarlos ingresando a nuestro sitio web www.lu1sf.com.ary/o Plataforma.

Los “CERTIFICADOS y/o QSL” se irán generando a medida que las estaciones autorizadas carguen sus ficheros ADIF. Atención: algunos archivos pueden cargarse en días posteriores, tenga paciencia.

Las quejas y/o consultas se podrán realizar a partir del 6 de octubre, una vez finalizada la carga completa de expedientes. NO ENVÍE PREGUNTAS Y/O QUEJAS ANTES DE ESTA FECHA.

El tiempo máximo para la descarga de CERTIFICADOS y/o QSLS estará sujeto a la decisión de este Radio Club.

Good contact my friend  
Jackson: PY1PDF

Friday 13 September 2024

ZD9GJ - From AF-029 Tristan da Cunha [ACTIVE in SSB, FT8, EME 6m

September 12 to October 1

IOTA AF-029 Trisnta da Cunha
Lance, W7GJ will be active as ZD9GJ from  Tristan da Cunha (AF-029) approximately from 12 September to 1 October. This will be primari-ly a 6m EME DXpedition, using Q65-60A in the "Q65 Pileup" mode. See https://www.bigskyspaces.com/w7gj/  for  detailed  information  and instructions. When not "aimed up at the moon",  he may operate  SSB or FT8 on 6m TEP. [TNX 425 DX NEWS] 

QSL via LoTW, or direct to W7GJ.

Good contact my friend  
Jackson: PY1PDF

Thursday 12 September 2024

PH80LIB - Special Callsign commemorat, Netherlanads [ACTIVE]

Until November 10/2024

Special callsign PH80LIB will be in use from various locations  between 11 September and 10 November to commemorate the 80th anniversary  of the liberation  of southern Netherlands  in the autumn  of 1944.  Activity will be on 80-10 metres  SSB, CW and digital modes. [TNX 425 DX NEWS] 

QSL via the bureau. See https://www.qrz.com/db/PH80LIB for detailed information.

Good contact my friend  
Jackson: PY1PDF

V4/WE9G - From St. Kitts, NA-104 [ACTIVE]

Until September 17

NA-104 St. Kitts
Rikk, WE9G will be active as V4/WE9G from Frigate Bay  on St. Kitts (NA-104) on 10-17 September.  He will operate mainly FT8/FT4 (MSHV) with some SSB and CW on 80-6 metres.  [TNX 425 DX NEWS] 

QSL via LoTW,  Club Log,  QRZ Logbook, or via home call.

Good contact my friend  
Jackson: PY1PDF

Wednesday 11 September 2024

DL8UD - Wil be active from Kazakhstan [ACTIVE]

September 10 - 19

Uwe DL8UD will be active from Kazakhstan from September 10th to 19th and will participate in the WAE contest on September 14th and 15th, 2024. More details in his BIO on QRZ.com

Good contact my friend  
Jackson: PY1PDF

Tuesday 10 September 2024

6037 - From Somalia [ACTIVE]

September 09 - 30

Look for 6O3T with Fabri IV3JPP, Paolo IV3DSH, Frank IZ8GCE, Maurizio IV3ZXQ and Mauro IV3AZV during September 9-30. Activity from 160 to 6 meter using CW, SSB and FT8.[TNX DX WORLD]

QSL information and more details on https://dxexplorer.net/

Good contact my friend  
Jackson: PY1PDF

DL250CDF - Special Callsign from Germany [ACTIVE]

Until September/2024

During September 2024, DARC Greifswald is broadcasting the special callsign DL250CDF, marking the 250th anniversary of the birth of the German Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich. For more information, please visit: https://dl0hgw.darc.de/dl250cdf.htm [TNX BOLETIM FEDERACHI DX] 

Good contact my friend  
Jackson: PY1PDF

Sunday 8 September 2024

Special Callsingns from from Poland, Until 31 December [ACTIVE]

Until December 31/2024

Special callsigns SN100P, SN100L, SN100N, SN100PLN and SN100BP will used from 1 September to 31 December for the  100th anniversary  of the establishment of  Bank Polski SA  and the  introduction of  the zloty (PLN), Poland's official currency.  The activity is organized by the Polish Amateur Radio Association. [TNX 425 DX NEWS]

QSL via the bureau.  A cer-tificate will be available, see https://www.qrz.com/db/SN100PLN for the details.

Good contact my friend  
Jackson: PY1PDF

TM45CDXC - The special callsign for the 45th Clipperton DX Club [ACTIVE]

Septembr 7 -21

The special callsign TM45CDXC will be active from September 7 to 21, 2024, for the 45th Clipperton DX Club Convention https://cdxc.org/ to be held in Montceau les Mines from September 20 to 22.  [TNX FEDERACHI DX]